A Midsummer Night's Dream

Wanderers Theatre is incredibly excited to present an immersive production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night's Dream. This production brings everything audiences love about this story, from the whimsical setting to the mischievous characters, and enhances it by presenting the show in a roving style, moving between two locations on a large regional property. Witness the show on a gorgeous summer evening surrounded by the beautiful Australian bushland, where the towering trees create the backdrop to a lush, open stage space. The show is fun, bold and non-traditional, an experience in its own right. Audiences can leave the real world behind and step into Shakespeare’s Athens and the magical forest, where the incredible natural world spills into the valley, the actors play amongst the crowd and, in the soft light of dusk, the forest comes alive.

Directed By Jack Smith
Assistant Director: Abigail Fritsch
Artistic Designer: Caitlin McCallig
Production Manager: Zephya Amelie
Secretary: Flynn Davis
Stage Manager: Pruella Anderson
In Collaboration with Staged By Creatives inc and Space Jump Theatre